Moonrise Kingdom 2023

東京・王子Basement MON☆STAR
2/23, 2023

■Match Lineup ○The 1st Match 30min. Munetatsu Nakamura vs Yasu Urano ○The 2nd Match 30min. YuuRI vs Rina Amikura ○The 3rd Match Secret Captain Fall Elimination 6-man Tag Team Match Unlimited Time Mizuki Watase & Yumehito Imanari & HARUKAZE vs Ken Ohka & Shinichiro Tominaga & Moeka Haruhi *Both teams will select a captain, and the 6-man tag team match will start with only the ring announcer known. *Each time one person is disqualified, it will be revealed whether the disqualified person is the captain or not, and the team that first disqualifies the other team's captain wins. *In addition to regular pro-wrestling rules such as 3-count falls and give-ups, an over-the-top-rope rule will be adopted in which if fall over the top rope and fall out of the arena, will be disqualified. ○Main Event Special Tag Team Match 30min. Shuichiro Katsumura & Shota vs Keisuke Ishii & Soma Takao

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Ganbare Pro-Wrestling

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